Application Note
TDC technology in Swedish national cancer rehabilitation guidelines
As a first country, Sweden has included tissue dielectric constant (TDC) technology of Delfin lymphedema instruments in their national cancer rehabilitation guidelines for diagnosis of breast cancer related lymphedema. In Swedish guidelines, diagnostics of breast cancer related lymphedema is based on three criteria and lymphedema is diagnosed if two of the three criteria are met:
- Increased subcutaneous firmness by palpation on operated side compared to non-operated side
- Increased volume of upper extremity (> 5 %) compared with non-operated side or preoperative value, measured with direct volume measurement or by calculating volume with circumference measurement
- Increased local tissue water content (TDC ratio ≥ 1.2 for forearm and ≥ 1.45 for upper arm) compared with non-operated side or preoperative values measured with a TDC device at standardized anatomical sites.
Delfin lymphedema devices
Measurement of inter-arm TDC ratio between affected and contralateral healthy arm sites is simple and easy with LymphScanner, MoistureMeterD Compact or multiprobe MoistureMeterD. LymphScanner and MoistureMeterD Compact display TDC values as easy-to-understand percentage water content (PWC) values. PWC and TDC ratios are independent of the measurement sites, age, gender, BMI, race, arm dominance and diurnal effects. There are nearly 70 international articles on the use of TDC technology in lymphedema applications.
Medical device status
Multiprobe MoistureMeterD: Medical product Class IIa (EU), FDA clearance 510(k)
LymphScanner: Medical product Class IIa (EU)
MoistureMeterD Compact: Medical product Class IIa (EU)
Delfin Technologies Ltd
Cancer rehabilitering nationellt vårdprogram 2021. Regionala cancercentrum i samuverkan.